Reindeers at Christmas Time

Well .... hello there and thank you for stopping by!

New Year' Eve  and I am busy cross stitching handmade ornaments for the season.

I love making home sewn ornaments and send them as Christmas gift to family and friends. 

This time I cross stitched the image of the reindeer and do you know the meaning of the reindeer in our Christmas cards and other decorations? Well it was until recently that I came across this site and was fascinated about the origins of the female reindeer. It is believed that the reindeer brings wealth, prosperity, good fortune. And good to know that the reindeers of Father Christmas are all females as all have antlers!



 For these decorations I used white Aida fabric 16 count and DMC threads from my collection (as I love using my own creation of colours). Red satin ribbon proved to be the best combination. And the pattern was taken from my vast Pinterest collection. Polyester Foam for the filling and also some scented tulip wood shavings that will will surly add to the Christmas atmosphere. 

At the back I inserted also the year 2020 as it will surely be a year to remember.  

May this year the reindeers carry the life-giving light into the new year 2021. 

Stay Safe and Happy New Year!!

My Pincushion and more HNY


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